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Monday 13 April 2020

Kwa, Kwa, Cooo, C'cuk

Just posted this on 'Settle Chat':

Sitting in the early evening sun on top of the water tower in near total silence and hearing four doves? having an apparent conference call. One was visible in a nearby tree, one somewhere over Booths way, one maybe Penny Green and one perhaps upper Settle. They were repeatedly exchanging the same thing: kwa, kwa,cooo, c'cuk (repeated x4) then a final loud cook Then a few seconds silence and another one repeated it. This went on for some minutes and for all I know might still be. Three questions: 1) what's going on (I think I may know) 2) this was only possible as Settle was so quiet so what happens normally? and 3) will there be a population explosion among the participants?

Today's picture is from Sarah Spillet who in normal times flies around the Dales under her hang glider but was on her bike on terra firma above Coverdale:

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