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Sunday 26 April 2020

Avoid the Lambing Pens

There are major upsides to this lock-down - the silence, the clear atmosphere and the near total relief from the day-to-day hustle and bustle.

I do worry though that the normal economy has been paused behind the shield of 'scientific advice'.    Ask a virologist what to do and the only possible response is to lock down and keep your fingers crossed.  Happily though not my problem.  That press conference from the Trump where he talks about the disinfectant that can clear it up in just a minute is worrying on so many levels.  How HAS the World got to this?   Still, no man-made bombs are raining from the sky.

It is Sunday in Settle.  No church bells.  No steam trains and a Sunday paper full of puzzles.  Could be worse.

I took the final scissors to the Astra turf and pretended I knew how to cut  carpet - and got away with it.  It looks the business.

The loudest noises in this part of Settle come from the vets surgery across the road.  Coronavirus or not we see a procession of farmers bringing ewes in difficulties being brought in for relief.

The noises are sometimes alarming, then charming.   Well done  the Dales vets who are perhaps better at lambing emergencies than at signage?   Meanwhile, out there in the glorious Yorkshire Dales:

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