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Saturday 29 June 2024

We've Shed Two Sheds

 Thanks to the amazing Settle Sell and Seek Facebook site we have been able to find instant buyers for two sheds that have nestled inconspicuously inside the north and south ends of the rooftop tank.   They had been full of mainly electrical 'rubbish'.   Leftovers from almost a lifetime of electrical jobs, re-wirings and obsolete electrical gadgets.   I know that daughter Lorna will be delighted that we are downsizing our collections of 'stuff'.  Part of the reason for the removal of the shed was that we did not know how well our fibreglass roof had survived below them and the weight of their contents.  (It looks as new)

The sheds have found a very good home with Mike and Fiona Myers of East Morton near Bingley.   They will house chickens at their, farm right on the western edge of Ilkley Moor.  Their website is well worth a look.

The spaces occupied by the sheds will be 'grassed' and will house shrubs in planters, making that rooftop area much more welcoming as virtual garden and summertime lounging areas.

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