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Saturday 1 June 2024

Clematis Time Again (and some technical woes fixed)

Our much covered (in this Blog at least) common or garden clematis has reached and is overspilling the top of the Midland Railway iron window frame that we removed from the back of the tower to create the doorway to the new bits.

Meanwhile the 'weeds' are in magnificent full bloom:

We have been without our lift for a fortnight of so and to add to our discomfiture our BT telephone line failed for a week - along with internet.  This  disrupted Ukrainian David's online schooling too.  All back working again now.  These people, Gartec (below), are actually part of the Swedish firm Aritco who made our lift.  It has had a very thorough and expert seeing-to after its 12 years.

Still with things technical we both now have hearing aids (on the NHS).  Almost invisible they are unique to each ear and are phenomenally effective.  They use Bluetooth and connect to other bluetooth devices like our i-phones, Smart TVs and the new car's systems.  Surround sound from the huge TV in the living room is awesome.

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