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Monday 25 March 2024

Staggering Number of Recent Views

 From time to time I have a look at the statistics for this Blog, which I started in 2011 when our water tower work really began.

Today was one of those times and I found to my amazement that on 1st February 2024 no fewer than 36,935 people viewed it.  That contrasts with the previous record daily viewership of 11,004 on 1st December 2016.

This sort of thing usually coincides with a reshowing of one of the TV programmes somewhere or other in the world.  Viewing the programme does not link to the Blog however.  I wonder if the Blog was mentioned as worth a look somewhere.

Anybody got any ideas on  that?  (The picture of our water level gauge is just for fun)



  1. The show is now on prime though I watched it in its initial showing and having remembered watching this episode I searched online to see how you've gotten along with it and am so glad you've shared your passion with the railway as you have! Wonderful! (Not a railway fan per se but have an amateur interest in victorian construction)

  2. Thank you Amanda. I need to look it up on Prime.


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