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Saturday, 26 June 2021

Buddleia Bulletin 2021 and a Book

 I have mentioned buddleias before in this Blog.  They grow wild on former railway land especially.  Left to themselves they become straggly.  They flower spectacularly on new season's growth only so if pruned hard in spring they produce masses of flowers which attract bees.

Our buddleias were pruned hard in the spring and are so far responding well with new growth (see below).  We and the bees await their flowers. Watch this space.

Yesterday we went to Ribblehead for a book-launch by Stan Abbott.   Back in 1985 when the S&C seemed doomed to almost certain closure Stan wrote a hard-hitting book "To Kill a Railway".  Who knows how influential his work then was but the government did a U turn on closure in 1989.

I started to read his latest book "Walking the Line" and I quote below the very first paragraph of chapter one:

"There can be few better ways to jolt your mind into the universe that is the S&C than to arrive at Settle station and to head for Mark Rand's water tower"


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