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Wednesday 6 January 2021

I've Invented a New Dish

 A Blog or three ago I mentioned the post-seasonal problem of eating up turkey.  Among the tongue-in-cheek suggestions was sweet and sour turkey.   From little acorns come giant oaks.  The other night we had, you guessed it, sweet and sour turkey:

Apart from the overall idea, my main contribution to this culinary breakthrough was a firm stipulation that the turkey pieces must be cut into cubes.

Turkey, let's face it, except when surrounded by the rest of Christmas Dinner, is frankly bland.  Cardboard would have more flavour.  It is a vehicle for topping up your protein and for making Bernard Matthews rich.  Jazzed up with a jar of sweet and sour + Pat's inspired secret ingredients it is another animal entirely.

To add to today's joy, the main tower's gas central heating has been serviced and repaired at almost zero notice via a local Facebook entry which announced the arrival in town of a new plumber Luke Tyler from Leeds.  Super chap who knows his stuff and has an empty order book - but not for long.

Finally, three post-Christmas pictures from online by Tom Nom Marshall.  Haworth Main Street, Keighley station and Saltaire, each a timelessly iconic Yorkshire scene

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