There is a new edition of Blogger from late June onwards but this Blog will remain in more or less its current format and content. Whilst exploring the new facilities I discovered to my horror that I have been failing to 'moderate' a
huge number of comments on Blog posts over the years.
I had wondered why almost nobody comments on Blog posts.
The posts have been overwhelmingly encouraging, expressing thanks for the answer to some shared problem. People must have thought me very rude for having apparently ignored comments they have taken the trouble to make - and not allowing their comments to appear!
I hang my head in shame.
Mea culpa. Very, very, very sorry indeed. I should have read the fine print. I am the loser here too - I have been missing out on some lovely comments.
One category of comments is advertising - usually offering relevant products, services or options for the problem of the day. These originate from all over the World so I imagine they are automated following automated searches for anything to do with 'roofing', 'rainwater harvesting' or whatever. That's fine and sometimes would have been useful - had I seen them at the time. Either that or there is Worldwide and understandable ignorance of where Settle actually is!
A recurring them in this category is comments about Kingspan Envireau rainwater harvesting systems. I am not the only one in the World to have had seriously expensive problems, which is comforting but exposes shocking after-sales service from Kingspan Envireau.
Sooo, sorry again. Do please comment.
To end, an apologetic but lovely picture of Rylstone Cross, on the skyline to the right of centre. It's not exactly obvious so here is a close-up:
photo David Armitage