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Saturday 14 September 2024


 Water ingress has defied more than a year's worth of investigation and attempted cures.  It has now become clear that the main ingress is not from that gap between the tank and the walls, though that was part of the problem and is now comprehensively fixed.

In fact the water has been coming in above the tank base plates where is has accumulated.  That can only mean that the fibreglass roof inside the tank has failed, either locally, near the one and only outlet, or more generally.  A new roof, over the old one is necessary.   Inevitably this has meant total clearance of whatever sits on the old roof   In other words the decked area above.   It has been quite a task to dismantle the decks and a problem was how to store the lengthy components - mainly decking planks and supporting rafters.   The obvious place for temporary storage would have been on the ground which would involve lowering them piece by piece and raising them back again.  Then, inspiration struck.  Why not secure them across the corners of the massively strong tank itself?

For a week of so, the photographers will have to put up with the results but reassembly will be so much more straightforward and the components will be exactly where they are needed.  The stacks are tied together securely with tensioned straps and at the western corners the planks are interwoven with the horizontal steel cables of the safety fences.   The new roof begins next Monday, 16th September when a week of high pressure if forecast over the UK.   Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention.

Thursday 12 September 2024

West Really IS West

 Here's Sir Nigel Gresley flying through Settle station last evening:

We spend many of our early evenings sitting on top of the tower marvelling at the views.  Who wouldn't?   Compass directions are important, particularly as Pat has become a Planefinder fan so we need to see what direction a given vapour trail is heading.   There is not room for a horizontal compass rose in front of our indoors bench swing-seat to the compromise if a vertical one.

SWMBO is forever suggesting that it is axially wrong.  Subtle comments like "They've moved Blackpool again" and not unknown.   Last evening gave me an opportunity to verify the position.   Here's the sun most definitely setting in THE WEST.  Not the best photograph in the world but enough for me to be able to rest my case I think.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Sky View of Settle Station and Water Tower

 I have mentioned before on this Blog that when we lived at The Folly in Settle we had no view of the railway.   Frustrating.  The water tower more than makes up for it as seen here:

A Round Table at Last

Here is a picture of our south deck including a rather fine cast iron circular table.  It used to have a wooden top, long since perished.  I have been searching on and off for years for a circular replacement without success.  Meantime I have used a square or oblong temporary table top which had been functional but ugly.

Inspiration eventually struck.  Maybe you can buy circular paint barrel tops that might do the trick.  You can and I did.  Its the inverted top of a 210 litre ginormous paint tin, complete with locking ring:

Not too bad a  result eh?

From that deck there is a superb view of the comings and goings at the station, steam trains and all - see next Blog entry.