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Sunday 25 August 2024

Fibre Broadband Coming

 Here's an absolute hero earning his money at height in a howling gale and pouring rain.  He is doing the first stage of installing the fibre cable to connect us to the 21st century.  The actual hook-up happens next Tuesday with a new fibre router.   We need to see how it goes before we decide whether to disconnect from landline telephone.

UPDATE  The fibre broadband was finally installed yesterday.  Early impression is of a vast improvement.  210 mbps download speed and 103 mbps upload.  I did not appreciate that the fibre cable is just one single glass core along which everything goes both ways.  The fibre router has the same connections as had the old router.  Simply switching the connections from old to new box of tricks seems to have worked fine.  Because of the size of the place we have two wi-fi repeaters, each with its own hard wire connection to the router.  These seem to work too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's impressive dedication to duty.


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