Be it known that on Facebook I am a follower of the Gates Appreciation Society. There, I've admitted it. I am also a member of the British Water Towers Appreciation Society and the Baths in Fields Appreciation Society. Added together I think that may make me unique among men snd something of an eccentric even.
Anyway, gates have been on my mind for a while, especially the very long gates that form our entry/exit onto The Sidings. They are rarely used but are incredibly useful when needed. Over the 12 or so years since they were new they have sagged - inevitably. They are heavy and from time to time they get swung on by children and young adults, putting them under immense strain. They had finally sagged to the ground in the middle making opening them somewhere on a spectrum between tedious and impossible.
This week, and after much thought, I have faced up to the problem. They now have substantial castors to take their weight and revision of the ironware means they can now close properly and be locked. Not just that, the circular 'stop' sign facing The Sidings has been reversed and painted railway gate red. It had faded to pink and was neither use nor ornament. So I reversed it. Viola: