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Saturday, 30 October 2021

Mica Heaters

 It's a while since we did a post about an apparently very good buy and this one seems too good to be true, so here goes.

Our Terminal 3 - the insulated and double glazed shed-on-the-hill, cruelly dubbed our Wendy House by architect Stuart Green, has been almost useless in winter as it is unheated.  Conventional electric heaters take so long to heat up that it is just not worth the bother.  Yet it is a gorgeous man-cave.

Casting round for a solution I came across this little baby:

Not the prettiest thing on God's earth but in heating terms it seems like a break-through to me.

The make is Duronic but there are others out there.  It is a mica or mica-thermic heater.  It is light in weight so can be moved from room to room with ease.  Inside a metal cage are four flat mica panels through which pass electricity, 100% being released as heat, as with most electric heaters of course.

What is remarkable though is that the output of heat is almost instant - partly as convection and partly as radiation.  There is no fan so it is silent.  Ours is 2 KW and there are two very obvious controls.

The top one is on/off and power. The lower is a thermostat.  If it is knocked over it turns off.

Result - instant local heat and comfort for short time use - a quick read of the Sunday paper maybe - or for more general space heating longer term.

The Wendy House seems to have become a year-round option.

The current issue of Which? magazine has a feature on electric heaters.  Mica-thermic heaters do not get a mention.

Usual disclaimers of course.

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